
Each month, usually on the first Friday of the month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics releases the Employment Situation Summary for the previous month. Go to www. bls. gov and find the latest report. On the Bureau of Labor Statistics home page, at the top of the page, select the Subjects tab, find “Unemployment, and select National Unemployment Rate. Click on News Releases on the left-hand side of the page and look for the Employment Situation Summary (open the pdf version).

Answer the following questions in standard essay format (introduction with a thesis statement, body paragraphs that include data to support points made, and conclusion). Write your answers in your own words. If you use a direct quote, be sure to use quotation marks and cite your source.

1. How does the current national unemployment rate compare to the rate one month earlier? One year earlier? What changes have occurred in the economy over the past year that would have influenced the unemployment rate?

2. How would you be counted in the employment figures? Why? Be specific.

3. Research to help you determine if our economy currently includes structural, frictional, or cyclical unemployment, keeping in mind that any combination of these three types of unemployment can be present at the same time. Be sure to support your position with data. This essay should be 1 to 2 double-spaced pages typed in a 12-point font. Conduct research and reference your sources both in the text and in a properly-formatted bibliography (MLA or APA format). Be sure to review the grading criteria for further details about how this essay will be graded.

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Chika Ilonah
Chika IlonahLv10
29 Sep 2019

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