
2. Anti-capital punishment activists often point to research showing no statistical relationship between murder rates and execution rates. Consider the model

mrdrteit = αt + β1 execit + β2 unemit + ci + uit

where mrdrteit is the per-capita murder rate in the state I at time t; αt is shorthand for a vector of time dummies; execit is the number of executions in a state I in the current year t plus the last two years, and unemit is the unemployment rate in the state I at time t.

(a) Assuming that ci does not equal 0 and x = {exec, unem} is strictly exogenous, how would you decide which linear panel data estimator to use?

(b) Do you have any concerns about relying on the asymptotic properties of βˆ for this estimation? Why or why not?

(c) Under what circumstance would exec fail to be strictly exogenous conditional on ci?

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Chika Ilonah
Chika IlonahLv10
29 Sep 2019

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