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In our modern times, companies have shown that social responsibility goes beyond the usual waste segregation and tree planting activities. There are more efforts now to stop the ongoing destruction of our planet. This comes to a realization as our society progresses and we started to understand our environment better. Environment conservation has become a trend.

Like other companies, our cafe, "The Green Cafe", understands the benefit of being eco-friendly. It is ethical to care for your environment and to care and contribute to its preservation for the future. It is our social responsibility, as businesses, to do our part to run our business with the least harm to our environment.

Part of our decision is to reduce waste through composting. Similar to Walmart and Target, they "go green" through composting their waste. This process will not only help the environment but will also reduces the operating cost associated with waste.

The cafe will also start to utilize compact flourescent lamps which are energy saving lights. These are environmentally-friendly, saves energy and saves the company money by lowering the hydro expense.

Finally, the group is thinking about installing water conserving toilets which are costly at first, but will conserve water through less flushing and reduce water expense as well.

We are starting to realize that "going green" requires an effective strategy to balance both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages involving more initial expenses to convert to more energy efficient products (ie. cfl lights and water conserving toilets). The benefits include a good image to customers, the decrease in energy expenses, and the good conscience of being forward thinkers and socially responsible entrepreneurs.

To add, social responsibility are not solely based on utilitarian judgments of "maximizing the greatest good", it is a personal choice by individuals whatever the class maybe, to pursuit what is right or wrong and to try to contribute to what is right and in this given case, to help protect the environment which in turn, will do the greatest good for the society as a whole.

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Sonal Bahl
Sonal BahlLv10
29 Sep 2019

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