19 Mar 2018

Does the government over-regulate? Smoking, drinking, guns, car seat belts, bicycle helmets, taxi licenses, liquor licenses, fishing licenses. Where is the logic? What is the economics? It's perfectly legal to pick up a woman at a bar and take her home to have sex, but if you offer to pay her, you've committed a crime. It's perfectly legal to volunteer your services to some business for free, but if they offer to pay you $5 an hour, they've committed a crime. You can donate a kidney to a perfect stranger, but if you accept money you've committed a crime. There are (presumably) positives that come out of these laws and regulations and (most likely) negatives, too, that impact, supply, demand, price, cost, social cost and more.

Your assignment is to think of one item and discuss both the logic and the economics of the regulation.

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
22 Mar 2018

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