6 Apr 2019

Suppose that two countries in a two-country-two-factor-two-commodity model have identical and homothetic tastes, have identical endowments of labor and have the same technology in the capital-intensive industry. However the foreign country has a larger endowment of capital than the home country and has a Hicks-neutral technological advantage over the home country in the production of the labor-intensive commodity, product 1. [Hint: A Hicks-neutral technological advantage shifts the isoquants up without changing their shape and thus marginal rate of substitution along any ray from the origin, i.e., λX1 = λf(K,L) where λ is the degree of the technological change in product 1.]

(i) What is the pattern of trade between the two countries if we also know that, in autarky, the wage-rental ratio is higher in the foreign country than it is in the home country? Explain as carefully as you can each step of your reasoning. In order to solve this problem, break down the problem in two sub-questions, (i) what happens if there is no technological difference and differences only with respect to endowments, and (ii) what happens if there is no difference in endowments and the only difference is about technology.

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
7 Apr 2019

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