13 Jun 2018

Visit the Federal Reserve's Web site and select Monetary Policy.

Website: www.federalreserve.gov (Links to an external site.)

Then click on Reports and then Beige Book to retrieve the summary report for current economic conditions by Federal Reserve District. Select the most current report. Then select the District where you live, have lived in the past, or where you are from originally (go to www.federalreserve.gov/otherfrb.htm (Links to an external site.) to locate your district).

In the subject of your post, please indicate which district you are writing about (e.g. Atlanta District).

What are some highlights of the report regarding Retail Sales, Consumer Spending, Real Estate and Construction, Manufacturing, Labor and Prices, etc. during the most recent period? In your opinion, how did your district perform compared to other districts and the U.S. in general? Given the current state of the U.S. economy, what monetary policy changes would you suggest that would be beneficial to your district at this time and why?

I am in the 12 or 8 district for this question....either will work

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
16 Jun 2018

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