6 Feb 2019

For each of the following assertions, please indicate whether they are true or false. No credit will be given without an explanation as to why your claim is correct.

(a) (4 points) There are two firms: one has production function f (K, L) = K + L and the other has production function f?(K,L) = (K+L)2 ?50. Assertion: These two firms have the same shaped isoquants, but different technology.

(b) (4 points) Assertion: In the short run, if the marginal product of labor curve is decreasing, then it is below the average product of labor curve.

(c) (4 points) A T-shirt company can make 1000 T-shirts with 2 workers and 1 machine. It continues to make 1000 T-shirts if it has more than 2 workers but only 1 machine or 2 workers and more than 1 machine. The company currently produces 1000 shirts per month for its single customer. The price of capital falls, but the firm must still produce 1000 shirts per month. Let all inputs be variable. Assertion: The firm will not hire or fire any workers.

(d) (4 points) A technology firm has a Cobb Douglas production function and measures the marginal rate of technical substitution (MRTSLK) at MPL/MPK = 3. The prices of labor and capital faced by the firm are such that currently W/R = 2. Assertion: The tech firm can lower costs (holding output fixed) by laying off some of its labor force and using more capital.

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
7 Feb 2019

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