25 Feb 2019

2. The economy of Littleton is currently producing 1 trillion dollars less than their full employment GDP level of 5 trillion dollars. Assuming the government chooses to utilize fiscal policy and adds 500 billion dollars of new spending, and they have a MPC of .80, perform the following:

a. Identify the induced change for each type of policy.

b. Identify the total change for each type of policy.

c. Illustrate the pre and post fiscal policy situation using the AD/AS model.

d. Assuming Crowding out or Ricardian Equivalence, what will change?

e. Assuming government borrows the money to engage in the new spending, what is likely to happen to:

i. Interest rates (increase or decrease)?

ii. The value of the dollar (appreciate or depreciate)?

iii. How would each of these impact C, I, G, & NX

iv. What would be the effectiveness of the fiscal policy as a result of the borrowing (amplify or diminish)?

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
28 Feb 2019

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