
The USA Today reports that the average expenditure on Valentine's Day is $100.89.Do male and female consumers differ in the amounts they spend? The average expenditure in a sample survey of 30 female consumers was $68.64, and the average expenditure in a sample survey of 40 male consumers was 135.67. Based on past surveys, the standard deviation for male consumers is assumed to be $35, and the standard deviation for female consumers is assumed to be $20.

a. What is the point estimate of the difference between the population mean expenditure for males and the population mean expenditure for females?

b.At 99% confidence, what is the Margin of Error?

c.Develop a 99%confidence interval for the difference between two population means.   

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Retselisitsoe Pokothoane
Retselisitsoe PokothoaneLv10
26 Oct 2020

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