19 Mar 2019

The graph below depicts an economy where a decline in aggregate demand has caused a recession. This economy's current level of real GDP (Y1) is below its long-run equilibrium, which is illustrated by the long-run aggregate supply curve (LRAS), and a price level (P1) below the equilibrium value of Pe. a. Without any fiscal policy, we expect the economy to eventually return to full employment on its own. Use the graph below to illustrate that process. Instructions: Use the tool provided 'New Curve' to plot the appropriate line (2 points total). After placing the curve, double click or tap the question marks next to it and choose whether to label the curve as AS1, LRAS1, or AD2 from the dropdown. b. Assume the government instead enacts fiscal policy to reduce the burden of the recession. Use the graph below to illustrate that process. Instructions: Use the tool provided 'New Curve' to plot the appropriate line (2 points total). After placing the curve, double click or tap the question marks next to it and choose whether to label the curve as AS1, LRAS1, or AD2 from the dropdown. c. When comparing the two options for restoring the economy to its full-employment level of output, the benefit of allowing the economy to return to full employment on its own, as seen in part a, is that: the economy will recover faster without fiscal policy. lower unemployment and higher real GDP are reached. full employment is reached with a higher price level. full employment is reached with a lower price level.

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Jarrod Robel
Jarrod RobelLv2
20 Mar 2019

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