14 Apr 2018

please answer every question fully if you understand it 1 and 2 For each part of this question, please refer to and use one of the following concepts in your answer

. • Intertemporal Substitution of Labour Supply

• Total Factor Productivity

• Aggregate Production Function

• Policy Ineffectiveness Proposition

• Lucas Critique

• Stochastic vs Systematic

(1) Consider an economy where the following occurs:

• In even-numbered years, the money supply does not change

• In odd-numbered years, the money supply increases by 10%.

Perhaps surprisingly, output does not vary from year to year, it remains constant. Unemployment does not vary from year to year, either. As for inflation:

• In even-numbered years, inflation is 0%

• In odd-numbered years, inflation is 10%

Illustrate a graph of aggregate supply and aggregate demand to show how the observed behavior of output and unemployment occurs when the economy switches from an even-numbered year to an odd-numbered year. Explain how and why this outcome occurs.

(2) In the same economy as above, in the year t (an odd-numbered year), the money printing press catches fire, and there is no change in the money supply. However, no one notices this until the end of the year.

Which of the following is the most likely rate of inflation in year t: 0%, 10%, or something between the two?

Which of the following is the most likely value of output in year t: the usual level of output, more output than usual, or less output than usual?

Explain why this result differs from the outcome in an even-numbered year. If it does not, why not?

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
16 Apr 2018

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