20 Jun 2018

1. Suppose an investment project has an NPV of $150 million if it becomes successful and an NPV of ?$50 million if it is a failure. What is the minimum probability of success above which you should make the investment?

a. 0.5

b. 1/3

c. 0.25

d. 0.1

2. Your production line has recently been producing a serious defect. One of two possible processes, A and B, could be the culprit. From past experience you know that the probability that A is causing the problem is 0.8 but investigating A costs $100,000 while investigating B costs only $20,000. What are the expected error costs of shutting down process B first?

a. $80,000

b. $20,000

c. $16,000

d. $4,000

3. You want to price posters at the Poster Showcase profitably and run an experiment to estimate the demand elasticity. You raise the price of kitten posters 10% but keep your dog poster prices unchanged. After a month, kitten poster unit sales fall by 12%, but dog posters rise by 8%. Why might the elasticity estimate from this experiment be biased?

4. Tennessee just instituted a state lottery. The initial jackpot is $100,000. If the first week yields no winners, the next week's jackpot goes up, depending on the number of previous players who placed the $1 lottery bets. The probability of winning is one in a million (1.0

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
21 Jun 2018

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