6 Dec 2018

Describe three examples of the marketing concepts, which you, as a consumer, observe in the world around you. Use the Internet as a resource and look for examples as well as information pertinent to this discussion. Be sure to supply the Internet addresses you use. Please post a response above and respond to two other people's postings.

Examples of the marketing concept are all around us—e.g., the competition in airplane fares triggered by the slow down in the economy and the increase in the price of fuel. With customer confidence in the safety and reliability of travel waning the airlines are attempting to fill their seats by luring customers with low-fare campaigns. This is an example of adapting a pricing strategy which temporarily reduces prices even at the risk of lowering profits in order to gain market share. Starbucks, the once invincible coffee vendor, is finding stiff competition in the coffee arena from McDonalds, Tim Horton’s, and Dunkin Donuts. Each has developed robust, fancy brews to compete with Starbucks and at a lower price. With its sales spiraling downward, Starbucks put a new CEO in place to lead a turnaround charge and fend off the competition. For the first time in its history, it began media advertising in late 2007. Is advertising the right strategy to regain market share or is it a temporary fix?

What other examples can you recognize in the marketplace? BE SURE your discussion includes references to the appropriate marketing principles.

Do not use the examples above or companies, which have already been identified and critiqued by the authors of your texts. That's too dull! Look out into the world around you; discover examples there, and bring them back to the class for discussion.

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
7 Dec 2018
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