12 Aug 2019

The Klein Corporation’s marketing department, using regression analysis, estimates the firm’s demand function, the result being

Q = -104 - 2.1P + 3.2I + 1.5A + 1.6Z

(R2 = 0.89) where Q is the quantity demanded of the firm’s product (in tons), P is the price of the firm’s product (in dollars per ton), I is per capita income (in dollars), A is the firm’s advertising expenditure (in thousands of dollars), and Z is the price (in dollars) of a competing product. The regression is based on 200 observations.

Klein Corporation’s demand curve-Q=17,526-2.1P

Estimation of the quantity demanded of the Klein Corporation’s product with p=500 is 16,476

Calculate the price elasticity of demand, Income elasticity of demand, cross-price elasticity of demand, and Advertising elasticity of demand for the firm’s product and interpret their results.

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
14 Aug 2019

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