1 Mar 2018

If competition decreases in a certain industry

Select one:

a. it would not matter because competition has very little affect in a market economy.

b. A company that is in that industry may have and exert more economic power.

c. Resources will be allocated more efficiently

d. Prices will most likely be lower in that industry

Question 2

Question text

The Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Select one:

a. Gave monopolies a legal right to exist and grow

b. Gave all unions money to pay their members

c. Was a governmental attempt to promote and encourage competition.

d. Created new policies to ensure that workers’ compensation was given to all workers

Question 3

Question text

One reason the government is involved in the U.S. economy is to

Select one:

a. regulate industries in which a monopoly is in the public interest

b. encourage monopolies

c. discourage competition

d. promote the development of negative externalities

Question 4

Question text

Under perfect competition

Select one:

a. The buyers are usually uninformed

b. Market equilibrium sets the price of goods and services

c. The government determines how much of a good to produce.

d. The seller tends to spend much effort in advertising its product because of product differentiation.

Question 5

Question text

The Clayton-Anti Trust Act

Select one:

a. Was never passed

b. Helped monopolists grow wealthier

c. Was passed to lower the taxes on the most wealthy Americans

d. Outlawed price discrimination

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
3 Mar 2018
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