16 Jul 2019

Question 1.How does social class impact a person's life?

Question 2.How are we socialized to view social class in America, various groups in poverty, and how do these perceptions shape social policies? (i.e. if the poor are perceived as "lazy" how might this impact social policies to assist them?)

Question 3. What are the macro-economic issues and structural reasons people may live in and even remain in poverty? What are the structural and societal provisions for gaining wealth in a society? Is wealth just the result of individual hard work?

Question 4. What is the connection between economic class and race and ethnicity in America? What is the conflict that many middle or upper class Black Americans face as it relates to social class?

I posted this question earlier and "Littlemaster" Commented on it and gave me a complete wrong answer that they googled. Please help! Thanks!

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
18 Jul 2019

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