
Zellars, Inc. is considering two mutually exclusive projects, A and B. Project A costs $75,000 and is expected to generate $48,000 in year one and $45,000 in year two. Project B costs $80,000 and is expected to generate $34,000 in year one, $37,000 in year two, $26,000 in year three, and $25,000 in year four. Zellars, Inc.'s required rate of return for these projects is 10%.

Project A: NPV=$5,826, Profitability Index=1.08, Internal Rate of Return= 15.81%

Project B: NPV=$18,097, Profitability Index=1.23, Internal Rate of Return= 20.79%

Question 1) Using the above information, which project would you recommend using the replacement chain method to evaluate the projects with different lives?
a. Project B because its life is longer than Project A.
b. Project A because its replacement chain NPV is $21,652, which exceeds the NPV for Project B.
c. Project A because its replacement chain NPV is $15,642, which exceeds the NPV for Project B.
d. Project B because the replacement chain NPV for Project A is only $10,642.

Question 2) Using the above information, the equivalent annual annuity amount for project A is ________.
a. $2,889
b. $3,357
c. $4,485
d. $5,532

Question 3) Using the above information, the equivalent annual annuity amount for project B is ________.
a. $3,875
b. $4,994
c. $5,709
d. $6,851

If you can, please show the formula for the equivalent annual annuity amount. Thank you in advance.

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 Sep 2019

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