
2013 Proj 2014
Current Assets Cash $ 20
Accounts Receivable $ 240
Inventory $ 240
Total Current Assets $ 500
Net Plant & Equipment $ 500
Total Assets $ 1,000
Liabilities & Owners Equity
Accounts Payable $ 100
Notes Payable $ 100
Total Current Liabilities $ 200
Long Term Debt $ 100
Total Liabilities $ 300
Common Stock $ 500
Retained Earnings $ 200
Total Stockholders' Equity $ 700
Total Liabilities, Equity $ 1,000
Income Statement Sales $ 2,000
COGS $ 1,200
Gross profit $ 800
Selling and Admin Expense $ 700
EBIT $ 100
Interest Expense $ 10 $ 20
EBT $ 90
Taxes @ 40% $ 36
Net Income $ 54
Common Dividend $ 21.6
Addition to Retained Earnings $ 32
1) 30% TWO PARTS: A) Using the above data and the AFN equation, compute the additional funds needed for 2014 if sales growth is expected to be 25% and the firm is operating at 100% capacity. B) Use the forecasted financial statements approach to compute additional funds needed if we assume all additional funds will be financed equally with notes payable and long-term debt. Assume "dividend payout ratio" in 2014 is the same ratio with 2013.

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
28 Sep 2019

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