
24. In 2012, the JCrew Company's sales were $15.0 million. Its balance sheet at year end 2012 is shown below. JCrew's 2013 sales are expected to be $21 million. Earnings after tax is expected to be 6.0% of sales, and annual dividends of $575,000 are expected to be paid in 2013. The company presently has excess plant and equipment capacity. As a result, assume that the net fixed asset figure on the balance sheet will remain constant for 2013. Assuming that the ratios of assets (except fixed assets, net) to sales and accounts payable to sales in 2012 remain the same in 2013, calculate the total amount, i.e., one number, of external financing required for 2013, using the percentage of sales method.

JCrew Co. Balance Sheet
(December 31, 2012)($ millions)
Current assets: Current liabilities:
Cash $0.5 Accts. payable $0.7
Accts. Rec. 1.5 Notes payable 0.8
Inventory 2.5 Long-term debt 2.3
Fixed assets, net 1.5 Stockholders' equity 2.2
Total Assets $6.0 Total Liabilities and Equity $6.0 (Points : 3.5)

A. $750,000
B. $220,000
C. $835,000
D. None of the above

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
28 Sep 2019

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