
Please write a 250 response to the below discussion and please include 2 scholarly sources.

There are many advantages and disadvantages of the indirect and direct method of preparing the income statement of cash flows. As a company it’s important to know which method better suites your line of business and which method is most accurate. The statement of cash flow is meant to predict future cash flows, evaluate management decisions, determine ability to pay dividends and interests, and shows the relationship of net income to cash flows. There are two ways this can be done, through the indirect method or the direct method.

The indirect method which is used by vast majority reconciles from net income to net cash provided by operating activities. Some advantages of this method includes; the information is more up to date and available, it show combined financial statements, reveals non-cash organizational transactions, and it is a industry standard that is used by most organizations.

The direct method which is used by a minority of companies reports all cash receipts and cash payments from operating activities. An advantage of the direct methods is that it reveals operating cash receipts and payments. A disadvantage to this method is although this method is easier the more transactions a company have the more complicated and time consuming this method gets. This is because each transaction is analyzed to decide whether it involved an actual transfer of cash.

If I had to choose between the two methods I would choose the indirect method because it is used more often, making it easier to compare and contrast amongst other companies if necessary.

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
28 Sep 2019

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