
Compare and contrast Apple to G.E. FOR EACH of the ratios below:

Apple Inc.

Balance Sheet: Debt to asset ratio = 0.59% Debt to equity ratio = 1.43%

Coverage ratio: Times interest earned = 99.93 times

​Leverage ratio: Market value of total debt / value of equity = 54% Market value of total debt / value of assets = 22.19%

Liquidity ratio: Current ratio = 1.11% Acid test ratio = 1.08%

ROIC: Return on Invested Capital = -3.96%

General Electric Co.

Balance Sheet: Debt to asset ratio = .80% Debt to equity ratio = 4.01%

Coverage ratio: Times interest earned = 4.87 times

Leverage ratio: Market value of total debt / value of equity = 20.17% Market value of total debt / value of assets = .40%

​Liquidity ratio: Current ratio = 1.61% Acid test ratio = 1.22%

​ROIC: Return on Invested Capital = 1.24%

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
28 Sep 2019

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