
Please help me with these problems!! They are for the Intro to Information Systems class! Need them ASAP, thanks!

1) The Information Security Triad comprises these three components:

a) Firmware, Firewall, Anti-virus

b) Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability

c) Firewall, Anti-virus, Biometrics

d) Confidentiality, Integrity, Anonymity (CIA)

2) This device can be placed on the network for security purposes. It does not add any additional security but provides the functionality to identify if a network is being attacked.

a) Intrusion detection system (IDS)

b) Virtual Private Network (VPN)

c) Spyware

d) RSA device

3) Authentication can be accomplished by identifying someone through one or more of three factors:

a) Something they say, something they do, something they have

b) Something they know, something they have, something they say

c) Something they do, something they know, something they have

d) Something they know, something they have, or something they are.

4) A _________protects all company servers and computers by stopping packets from outside the organization’s network that do not meet a strict set of criteria.

a) Spam filter

b) Anti-virus

c) Firewall

d) Encryption

5) Which type of access control is used in Windows operating systems?

a) Access Control List

b) Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

c) Public Key

d) ID/Password

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
28 Sep 2019

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