
With a new baby in the family, Ross and Reena want to put their finances in order. They have three main goals in planning their estate:

· If one of them dies, they each want to make it easier for the other to carry on financially. To start, they'd like to have enough money to pay off their mortgage.

· They want to leave their child in good hands, with enough money to meet his needs in case something happens to both of them.

· They want to make it as easy as they can for family members to settle their estate and pay any final costs.

Ross and Reena decide to talk to a financial professional. Together, they agree to do three things:

· First, they each write a legal will. They name Reena's sister to take care of their child if something happens to both of them.

· They each get a $300,000 life insurance policy and name the other spouse as the beneficiary. That way, whoever survives will have enough money to pay off the mortgage and any final costs, such as a funeral. If something happens to both of them, the money will help the sister raise their child.

· They set up a Registered Education Savings Plan for their child's future education. They plan to save just $80 a month to start. They will save more as their incomes go up.

For now, Ross and Reena can rest easy. They know they will have to update their wills from time to time, especially if they have more children. However, they have taken care of all their main concerns.

Describe two (2) estate planning tool that is been utilized by Ross and Reena

Briefly explain three (3) lessons that can be learned from Ross and Reena

Since Ross and Reena are interested in survivorship benefit they could also decide to begin an annuity. Explain two types of annuity that would offer survivorship benefit to Ross and Reena.

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
28 Sep 2019

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