
2. Get ready

Read the following exchanges between customers and the new Quest tour assistant in Italy.

1. Customer: “Do you recommend the Adventures in Italy tour?”

Tour assistant: “Yes. That tour is the best Italian tour Quest offers.”

Customer: “Oh, really? Why is that.”

Tour assistant: “It has the best tour developer at Quest. She was attracted to the Adventures in Italy tour because it has the best reputation. That’s because Quest designed it as the best Italian tour they offer.”

2. Customer: “I am thinking about enrolling on the Tuscany tour. I’d like to take a break from the tour on the third day to visit relatives, and then rejoin the group later. Can I do that?”

Tour assistant: “No. If I make an exception for you, pretty soon everyone will want to take a break from the tour.”

3. Customer: “The brochure doesn’t list any activities for Sunday. How should I fit that into my budgeting plans?”

Tour assistant: “You don’t need to make any plans. That day is free.”

4. Customer: “I am trying to choose between an Italian tour and one to Scandinavia. Can you send me information about tours to both destinations.”

Tour assistant: “Let me tell you—everyone loves Italy. Either you take the Italian tour and have the time of your life, or you sign up for another tour and spend your money on a week of disappointments.”

3. Now you try it

In the following space, identify the deductive reasoning fallacy in Conversation 1. Briefly describe how you would change the argument to overcome the fallacy.

Click here to identify the deductive reasoning fallacy.

In the following space, identify the deductive reasoning fallacy in Conversation 2. Briefly describe how you would change the argument to overcome the fallacy.

In the following space, identify the deductive reasoning fallacy in Conversation 3. Briefly describe how you would change the argument to overcome the fallacy.

In the following space, identify the deductive reasoning fallacy in Conversation 4. Briefly describe how you would change the argument to overcome the fallacy.

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
28 Sep 2019

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