
Lear inc has 800,000 in current assets, 350,000 of whichareconsidered permanent current assets. In addition, the firmhas600,000 invested in fixed assets.

a)Lear wishes to finance all fixed assets and half ofitspermanent current assets with long term financing costing10percent. Short term financing currently costs 5 percent.Lear’searnings before interest and taxes are 200,000.Determine lear’searnings after taxes under this financingplan. The tax rate is 30percent.

b)As an alternative, Lear might wish to finance all fixedassetsand permanent current assets plus half of its temporarycurrentassets with long term financing. The same interest ratesapply asin part a. Earnings before interest and taxes will be200,000. What will be Lear’s earnings after taxes? The taxrate is30 percent.

c)What are some of the risks and cost considerationsassociatedwith ach of these alternative financing strategies?

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
28 Sep 2019

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