14 Aug 2019


Create a marketing mix for McCoy's Electric. The following are examples of questions which must be answered within your marketing mix. Keep in mind; this should be a very detailed portion of your marketing plan (at 1 ½ to 2 pages). Here is an interesting website with some additional helpful information on the marketing mix:

1. PRODUCT (provides a solution to a consumer’s need):

What is your unique selling point?

What features or services make you different than the competition?

2. PRICE (represents the customer cost):

What is the value of your product/service?

The price is based on the way you are selling. Are your products exclusive or are you mass marketing?

3. PLACE (provides convenience):

Where are you selling?

Are you providing retail, wholesale, web based, or a combination of options?

4. PROMOTION (enables two-way communication):

What types of advertising will you utilize?

What are your reasons for choosing the types of advertising?

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
16 Aug 2019

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