27 Jun 2018

Case Study: To Vaccinate or Not

“Look, the chicken pox vaccine comes with some risks. The chicken pox vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine. It can cause a mild case of chicken pox or shingles. Plus, it’s not necessary. As long as everyone else at work has had chicken pox or has been vaccinated, I don’t need to be vaccinated. And I don’t like needles or doctors,” said Sam. “But, Sam,” replied Dakota, “what if everyone or even just a third of the population followed your example? Then there would be no herd immunity. Everyone who had not been vaccinated would be at risk. In addition, chicken pox is a different disease in adults. The rash is usually more widespread, the fever lasts longer, and complications are more common. And if a pregnant woman gets chicken pox, a lot of really nasty things can happen to her baby. I know it takes two shots, I know you don’t want to spend the money, and I know you hate shots. But you really ought to get vaccinated, for yourself and for the other people here at work.” Discussion questions:

• What are the external effects of a vaccine?

• Would too few people be vaccinated if it were not mandatory? What evidence supports your conclusion?

• What steps do governments take to increase vaccination rates?

• What steps do private companies take to increase vaccination rates? Why?

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
28 Jun 2018

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