
1.) Suppose Oppenheimer Bank is offering a​ 30-year mortgage with an EAR of 6.800%. If you plan to borrow $150,000​, what will be your monthly​ payment? ​(Note: Be careful not to round any intermediate steps less than six decimal​ places.) Your monthly payment will be ​$______

2.) You are looking to buy a car and you have been offered a loan with an APR of 6%​, compounded monthly.

a. What is the true monthly rate of​ interest? 0.5%

b. What is the​ EAR?

3.) You have just sold your house for $1,000,000 in cash. Your mortgage was originally a​ 30-year mortgage with monthly payments and an initial balance of $800,000.The mortgage is currently exactly​ 18½ years​ old, and you have just made a payment. If the interest rate on the mortgage is 5.25% ​(APR), how much cash will you have from the sale once you pay off the​ mortgage? ​(Note: Be careful not to round any intermediate steps less than six decimal​ places.)

Cash that remains after payoff of mortgage is __________

4.) If the rate of inflation is 4.5%​, what nominal interest rate is necessary for you to earn a 2.3% real interest rate on your​ investment? ​(Note: Be careful not to round any intermediate steps less than six decimal​ places.)

The nominal interest rate is ___%

5.) Use the table for the​ question(s) below.

Suppose the term structure of interest rates is shown​ below:


1 year

2 years

3 years

5 years

10 years

20 years

Rate​ (EAR%)







What is the shape of the yield curve and what expectations are investors likely to have about future interest​ rates?

A. ​inverted; higher

B. ​inverted; lower

C. ​normal; higher

D. normal; lower

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 Tshego Monchusi
Tshego MonchusiLv2
28 Jan 2021

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