
An automobile manufacturer is concerned about the possibility of a fault in the engine of a particular model of one of its cars. This fault could potentially cause the engine to fail to start. The average number of cars per year that experience this fault is 3 cars. If the probability that 8 or more cars experience this fault in a year is greater than 0.05, the company will issue a recall. Will the company issue a recall for this engine fault? Use Excel to find the probability.

Select the correct answer below:


The company will not issue a recall because the probability is less than 0.05.


The company will not issue a recall because the probability is greater than 0.05.


The company will issue a recall because the probability is greater than 0.05.


The company will issue a recall because the probability is less than 0.05.

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Joram Guingguing
Joram GuingguingLv10
10 Feb 2021

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