
Ariana gets a distance of 15.6 meters, on average, for her shot put throws, with a standard deviation of 1. She decided to see if using a new throwing technique would increase her distance. She used the new technique for 12 throws. For those 12 throws, Ariana got an average of 16.1 meters. She wants to know if the new technique helped her get more distance on each throw. Which of the answer choices shows the correct first three steps of a one-mean hypothesis test at the 5% significance level? Select the correct answer below: O H u < 16.1, which is a left-tailed test. : u = 16.1; H a = 0.05. - 15.6-16.1 -1.73. H :u= 15.6; H:> 15.6, which is a right-tailed test. a = 0.05. 2 = 16.1-15.6 1.73. H:u= 15.6; H :N < 15.6, which is a left-tailed test. a = 0.05. 2 = 15.6-16.1 -0.04. O H , :u = 16.1; H, : > 16.1, which is a right-tailed test. a = 0.05. = 15,6-16.1 -1.73. H :u= 15.6; H:<15.6, which is a left-tailed test. a=0.05. 15.6-16.1 -0.04. 20 = 20 15.6-16,1 H :u= 16.1; H:4 > 16.1, which is a right-tailed test. a = 0.05. - 15.6-16.1 -1.73. H: = 15.6; H :N > 15.6, which is a right-tailed test. a = 0.05. = 16.1-15. 6 00 H :u= 15.6; H: 4 < 15.6, which is a left-tailed test. a = 0.05. A = 16.1-15.6 1.73. VII

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