
Suppose that we want to estimate the number of holding penalties assessed during a college football game. The sample of games we pick has a mean of 2.9 penalties per game and a standard deviation of 0.7 penalties per game. For each of the following sampling scenarios, determine which test statistic is appropriate to use when making inference statements about the population mean. (In the table, Z refers to a variable having a standard normal distribution, and t refers to a variable having a t distribution.) Sampling Scenario could use either Z or unclear O (1) The sample has size 15, and it is from a population with a distribution about which we know very little (2) The sample has size 75, and it is from a non- normally distributed population with a known standard deviation of 0.65. (3) The sample has size 16, and it is from a normally distributed population with a known standard deviation of 0.65. | 0 0 0 0 (4) The sample has size 90, and it is from a non- normally distributed population. 0 0 (5) The sample has size 10, and it is from a normally distributed population with unknown standard deviation. 0 0 o o xs ?

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