10 Nov 2019

1. An object is dropped from a height.Once it is moving,which ofthe following statements are true,at least at one point?
a)its velocity is more than its accelerations
b)its velocity is less than its acceleration
c)its velocity is the same as its acceleration
d)its velocity is never equal to its acceleration

2. Which type of quantity is characterized by both magnitude anddirection?
d)algebraic variable

3. A hiker walks 200m west and then walks 100m north. In whatdirection is her resulting displacement?
d)none of the answer is correct

4. Vector 1 is 7 units long and is at 70 degree. Vector 2 is 5units long and is at 225 degree. Vector 3 is a 3 units long and isat 150 degree. Which vector has equal magnitude components?
a)Vector 1
c)vector 3
d)none of the vectors has equal magnitude components??????

5. Which of the following is an example of the type of force thatacts at a distance?
d)all of the above

6. A crate weight W is being pushed across a horizontal surface bya force directed at an angle of 20 degrees below the horizontal.What is the magnitude of the normal force on the crate?
a)it is less then W
b)it equals W
c)it is more than W
d)none of the above since the coefficient of kinetic friction isnot given

7. The net force on an object is in the positive x-direction.Consider the following statements.
(i) The object can be moving in the negative x-direction.
(ii) The object can be speeding up.
(iii) The object can be slowing down.
(iv) The object can be moving in the positive y-direction.

Which of the statements are true?
a. (i) and (ii)
b. (ii) and (iii)
c. (iii) and (iv)
d. Choose this answer if all the statements are true.

8.The work done by static friction can be:
a. positive.
b. negative.
c. zero.
d. Any of the above.

9.The rate at which work is done is equivalent to which of thefollowing?
a. increase in potential energy
b. thermal energy
c. potential energy
d. power

10.The dimensional equivalent of the quantity impulse in terms ofthe fundamental quantities (mass, length,
time) is which of the following?
a. MLT-1
b. ML2T-2
c. MLT
d. MLT-2

11. The dimensional equivalence of the quantity "momentum" in termsof the fundamental quantities (mass,
length, time) is:
a. MLT-1.
b. ML2T-2.
c. MLT.
d. MLT-2.

12.In order for a satellite to be geosynchronous, its orbitmust:
a. go over the North and South Poles.
b. be over the equator.
c. be over a single longitude.
d. emit television signals.

13. The quantity "angular momentum" (in terms of the fundamentalquantities of mass, length, and time) is equivalent
a. MLT-2.
b. ML2T-1.
c. ML2T-3.
d. ML3T.
d. MLT-2.

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
28 Jan 2019

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