14 Nov 2019

7) A U-tube is open to the atmosphere at bothends.Water is poured into the tube until the water columnon

the vertical sides of the U is more than10 cm deep.Then, oil with a density of 950 kg/m3 is poured intoone

side, until the column of oil is 6.0 cmtall. Howmuch higher is the top surface of the oil on that side ofthe

tube compared with the surface of thewater on theother side of the tube? (hint: draw a picture andlabel it

properly. Lookfamiliar?)

A) 3.1 cm

B) 60 mm

C) 2.9 cm

D) 3.0 mm

E) 5.7 cm

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
4 Nov 2019

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