23 Nov 2019

Magnetism and Magnetic Fields

1. True or False: Isolated magnetic poles can be found in nature,just like isolated electric charges.
2. True or False: The south pole of a magnet attracts the northpole of a compass.
3. True or False: The planet Earth’s geographic North Pole attractsthe north pole of a compass.

9. A triangular circuit is formed with a current of 2A runningthrough each wire, and a magnetic field of magnitude 0.4T isdirected perpendicularly to the circuit into the page.
a.) Find the magnetic force acting on all three wires within thecircuit.
b.) Find the net force on the circuit. (Show your work for fullcredit!)

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Jarrod Robel
Jarrod RobelLv2
15 Nov 2019

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