23 Nov 2019

Three charges, q1 = 7.78nC, q2 = -5.45nC and q3 = 3.26nC are at thecorners of an equilateral triangle, as shown in the figurebelow.

Link to figure:

The angle is 60.0o and L = 0.478 m. We are interested in the pointmidway between the charges q1 and q2 on the x axis.
For starters, calculate the magnitude of the electric field dueonly to charge q3 at this point.

Now calculate the magnitude of the electric field from all threecharges at a point midway between the two charges on the xaxis.

Calculate the angle of the electric field relative to the positive(to the right) x-axis, with positive values up (Counter-Clock Wise)and negative down (Clockwise). (enter the answer with units ofdeg)

If a tiny particle with a charge q = 1.06nC were placed at thispoint midway between q1 and q2, what is the magnitude of the forceit would feel?

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