23 Nov 2019

With two Polaroid filters, specially fabricated plastic sheetshaving the property that they transmit light which is linearlypolarized along a certain direction—called the “polarizationdirection” of the filter—determined by material properties of theplastic sheet. Conversely, Polaroid filters absorb light polarizedat right angles to the polarization direction.
Now look at other sources of reflected light through one of yourfilters. What happens to the polarization of light scattered orreflected from a vertical surface? What does this imply about theprocess of scattering or reflection? Look at different materialsurfaces, such as metal, glass, leaves, Is blue skylight polarized?In what direction? Are clouds polarized? When back inside, checkthe polarization of other sources of light: light bulbs,fluorescent lights, computer screens, Is there a difference betweenCRT and LCD computer screens?

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