23 Nov 2019

A quarterback throws a football toward a reciever with an initialspeed of 20.5m/s at an angle of 30deg above the horizontal. At theinstant the ball is thrown, the receiver is 21.0m downfield fromthe quarterback:
a. What are the horizonal and verticle components of the initialvelocity of the ball; b. After 1.00s, how far above the height itwas thrown is the ball?;
c. What is the verticle component of speed when the ball reachersthe reviever's original location at 21.0m downfield?;
d. What is the time of flight for the ball, assuming it is caughtat te same level at hich it was thrown?;
e. With what constant speed much the reciever run to catch theball?

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
5 May 2019
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