23 Nov 2019

gravity force probelm
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
When the Earth, Moon, and Sun form a right triangle, with the Moonlocated at the right angle, as shown in the figure , the Moon is inits third-quarter phase. (The Earth is viewed here from above itsNorth Pole.)

Find the magnitude of the net force exerted on the Sun.
Find the direction of the net force exerted on the Sun. Give thedirection relative to the line connecting the Sun and theMoon.

2. Relevant equations
LaTeX Code: \\theta = inverse trig (whatever necessary)
Mass sun=1.99E30
Mass earth= 5.98E24
mass moon= 7.35E22
radius sun to moon=1.50E11
radius moon to earth=3.85E8
3. The attempt at a solution
F1(Sun-Moon)=4.336E20 found by using gravity force eq.
F2(sun earth)= 3.53E22, however this is wrong because it should be3.58E22, so that means the distance between the sun and the earthat this time would have to be 1.49E11, which doesn't make sincebecause this should be the hypotenuse, right???. So when using thesencond value for F2, and using hte pythagorean theory I getFnet=3.57E22, which is the right answer.
NOW to find the direction, i thought you can use the cos inverse*F1/F2, but this turns out to be the wrong answer I have no ideawhat else to do. Please help!

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
11 May 2019

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