26 Nov 2019

consider the following statements regarding uncertainty inmeasurement:
answer either correct or incorrect
1. In multiplication, the number of significant figures in theresult is determined by the measurement with the fewest significantfigures. (correct or incorrect)
2. a good measurement is one in which all the digits in the numberreported are certain. (correct or incorrect)
3. in the statement "there are 100 cm in 1 meter" the first numberhas three significant figures, the second has one. (correct orincorrect)
4. when a calculation consists of several steps, rounding to theexact number of significant figures should only be performed at theend, to avoid accumulating errors. (correct or incorrect)
5. In addition the result cannot have more digits to the right ofthe decimal point than any of the original numbers. (correct orincorrect)

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
28 Sep 2019

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