27 Nov 2019

Three resistors are connected in series across a 19-V power supply.If the potential drop across resistors 1 and 2 are 3.2 volts and3.0 volts, what is the potential drop (in volts) across resistor3?

A 224-O and a 211-O resistor are connected in series across anunspecified power supply. If the current through the 224-O resistoris 0.49 A, what is the current (in A) through the 211-Oresistor?

A battery supplies 0.77 A to three parallel resistors. The currentthrough the first resistor is 0.27 A and the current through thesecond resistor is 0.21 A. What is the current (in A) through thethird resistor?

A 167 O resistor and a 114 O resistor are both connected inparallel across a power supply. If the potential drop across the167 O resistor is 19 V, what is the potential drop (in V) acrossthe 114 O resistor?

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