27 Nov 2019

1)A catapult on a cliff launches a large round rock towards a shipon the ocean below. The rock leaves the catapult from a height H of34.0 m above sea level, directed at an angle ? above the horizontalwith an unknown speed v0. The projectile remains in flight for 6.00seconds and travels a horizontal distance D of 183.0 m. Assumingthat air friction can be neglected, calculate the value of theangle ?.Calculate the speed at which the rock is launched.To whatheight above sea level does the rock rise?

2)A small steel ball bearing with a mass of 25.0 g is on a shortcompressed spring. When aimed vertically and suddenly released, thespring sends the bearing to a height of 1.41 m. Calculate thehorizontal distance the ball would travel if the same spring wereaimed 31.0 deg from the horizontal.

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