
Three identical bricks are pushed by hand and the bricks are moving to the left direction and speed up. System A consists of two bricks stacked together.

The B system has a single brick and system C has three bricks. A frictional force exists between the bricks and the table.

1. Draw and label force diagrams for the given system of bricks for A and B.

2. The vector representing an acceleration of system A is shown at right. Draw the acceleration vectors for systems B and C using the same scale. Explain.

3. The vector representing the net force on system A is shown at right. Draw the acceleration vectors for systems B and C using the same scale. Explain.

4. The vector representing frictional force on system A is shown. Draw the remaining force vectors using the same scale.

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
3 Mar 2020

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