
Consider the circuit shown. (Intro 1 figure) All wires are considered ideal; that is, they have zero resistance. We will assume for now that all other elements of the circuit are ideal, too: The value of resistance is a constant, the internal resistances of the battery and the ammeter are zero, and the internal resistance of the voltmeter is infinitely large. 
Intro 1. 
Part A What is the reading V of the voltmeter? 
Express your answer in terms of the EMF .
Part B The voltmeter, as can be seen in the figure, is connected to points 1 and 3. What are the respective voltage differences between points 1 and 2 and between points 2 and 3? 

Part C What is the reading I of the ammeter? Express your answer in terms Emf E  and R. Now assume that the battery has a nonzero internal resistance r (but the voltmeter and the ammeter remain ideal). (Intro 2 figure)
Part D What is the reading of the ammeter now? r Express your answer in terms of E, and R.
Part E What is the reading of the voltmeter now? E, r Express your answer in terms of, and R 



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Manoj Pandey
Manoj PandeyLv10
15 Dec 2020

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