
Consider the magnetic fields and forces depicted in the figure. Notice we are using the convention that circles with dots are vectors pointing out of the page ("point of arrows") and circles with crosses are vectors pointing into the page ("tails of arrows").

What is the direction of a current that experiences the magnetic force shown in figure (a), assuming the current runs perpendicular to B? sig.gif?tid=2M68-BC-2E-46-8A73-19829

What is the direction of a current that experiences the magnetic force shown in figure (b), assuming the current runs perpendicular to B? sig.gif?tid=2M68-BC-2E-46-8A73-19829

What is the direction of a current that experiences the magnetic force shown in figure (c), assuming the current runs perpendicular to B?

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Sagar Yadav
Sagar YadavLv10
7 Oct 2020

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