
The cube in the figure has sides of length L = 10.0 cm. The electric field is uniform, has a magnitude  , and is parallel to the XY-plane at an angle of 36.9 degrees measured from the + x-axis toward the + y-axis.

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a.What is the electric flux through the cube face S_1?

b. What is the electric flux through the cube face S_2?

c. What is the electric flux through the cube face S_3?

d. What is the electric flux through the cube face S_4?

e. What is the electric flux through the cube face S_5?

f. What is the electric flux through the cube face S_6?

g. What is the total electric flux through all faces of the cube?

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Supratim Pal
Supratim PalLv10
25 Sep 2020

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