
A hockey stick of mass m_s and length L is at rest on the ice (which is assumed to be frictionless). A puck with mass m_p hits the stick a distance D from the middle of the stick. Before the collision, the puck was moving with speed v_0 in a direction perpendicular to the stick, as indicated in the figure. The collision is completely inelastic, and the puck remains attached to the stick after the collision.

Find the speed v_f of the center of mass of the stick+puckcombination after the collision.
Express v_f in terms of the followingquantities: v_0m_pm_s, and L.
After the collision, the stick and puck willrotate about their combined center of mass. How far is this centerof mass from the point at which the puck struck? In the figure,this distance is (D-b). (PartB 1 figure)
D-b =
What is the angular momentum Lcm of the system before the collision, with respect to the center of mass of the final system? Express Lcm in terms of the given variables.
What is the angular velocity omega of the stick+puck combinationafter the collision? Assume that the stick is uniform and has amoment of inertia I_0 about its center.

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Ankit Lal
Ankit LalLv10
19 Oct 2020

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