
a) Which of the following statements about magnetic fields is true?

Magnetic field lines point in towards the north pole of a magnet.
None of these.
Magnetic field lines point outward from the north pole of a magnet.
Magnetic field lines point outward from the south pole of a magnet.
There are no magnetic field lines outside the magnet.
There are no magnetic field lines unless iron filings are present.
b) What is an acceptable ending to the following sentence: “Magnetic field lines…”
Are not present without iron filings.
Form closed loops.
Can cross each other.
None of these.
Originate from monopoles.
All of the above.
c) Which of the following arrangements produces an attractive force?
South Pole to South Pole
Magnets never attract each other, only iron filings.
South Pole to North Pole
North Pole to North Pole
All of these.
None of these.

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Coleen Amado
Coleen AmadoLv10
8 Oct 2020
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