
A skydiver of mass 80.0 kg (including parachute) jumps off a plane and begins her descent. Throughout this problem use 9.80 m/s2 for the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity.
(A) At some point during her free fall, the skydiver reaches her terminal speed. What is the magnitude of the drag force Fdrag due to air resistance that acts on the skydiver when she has reached terminal speed?
(B) For an object falling through air at a high speed v, the drag force acting on it due to air resistance can be expressed as
where the coefficient K depends on the shape and size of the falling object and on the density of air. For a human body, the numerical value for K is about 0.250 kg/m .
Using this value for K, what is the terminal speed vterminal of the skydiver?
(C) When the skydiver descends to a certain height above the ground, she deploys her parachute to ensure a safe landing. Usually, the parachute is deployed when the skydiver reaches an altitude of about 900 m (3000 ft). Immediately after deploying the parachute, does the skydiver have a nonzero acceleration?
(D) When the parachute is fully open, the effective drag coefficient of the skydiver plus the parachute increases to 60.0 kg/m. What is the drag force Fdrag acting on the skydiver immediately after she has opened the parachute?
(E) What is the terminal speed vterminal of the skydiver when the parachute is opened?

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Coleen Amado
Coleen AmadoLv10
8 Oct 2020

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