
Six parallel-plate capacitors of identical plate separation have different plate areas A, different capacitance C and different dielectrics filling the space between the plates.

Part A: Rank the following capacitors on the basis of the dielectric constant of the material between the plates. Rank from largest to smallest. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them.

1. A = 1 c m^2 , C = 1 n F

2. A = 4 c m ^2 , C = 1 n F

3. A = 8 c m ^2 , C = 2 n F

4. A = 2 c m ^2 , C = 8 n F

5. A = 2 c m ^2 , C = 4 n F

6. A = 4 c m ^2 , C = 2 n F

All of the capacitors from Part A are now attached to batteries with the same potential difference.

Part B Rank the capacitors on the basis of the charge stored on the positive plate. Rank from largest to smallest. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them.

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Ankit Lal
Ankit LalLv10
24 Sep 2020

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