
Two capacitors, c1= 18.0 μf, and c2=36.0 μf are connected in series and a 12.0-V battery is connected across the two capacitors. 
a) find the equivalent capacitance 
b) find the energy stored in this equivalent capacitance
c) find the energy stored in each individual capacitor 
d) show that the sum of these two energies is the same as the energy found in part b
e) will this equality always be true or does it depend on the number of capacitors and their capacitances?
f) if the same capacitors were connected in parallel, what potential difference would be required across them so that the    combination stores the same energy as in part a
g) which capacitor stores more energy in this situation, c1 or c2?

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Manoj Pandey
Manoj PandeyLv10
2 Dec 2020

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